Visual Instructions for Origami Paper Flowers

Making Origami Paper Flowers

Japanese kusudama flowers are an interesting variation of typical origami paper flowers. Kusudama is a form of origami that involves creating large spherical shapes by sewing or gluing together multiple paper flowers. In this tutorial, LoveToKnow Origami will demonstrate how to make a single kusudama flower. To make a kusudama ball, you will need to string together twelve of these flowers.

Step 1

Start with the patterned side of your paper face down. Fold the bottom corner of your paper up to the top to make a triangle.

Step 2

Fold the left and the right corners to the middle to make a square.

Step 3

Fold the left and right points out so the folded line is even with the outside edge of the square.

Step 4

Flatten the flaps you have created.

Step 5

Fold the top triangles down. They should be level with the edges of the paper.

Step 6

Fold the large triangles back using your earlier crease. Glue the outside triangles together. This will be your first flower petal.

Step 7

Repeat four times so you have five petals in all. These petals will be connected to form your origami paper flower.

Step 8

Glue your petals together to make the finished flower. You can use your single flower as a decoration for your home or make 12 of these origami paper flowers to connect together into a traditional Japanese kusudama ball.

For another simple paper folding project, please review the LoveToKnow Origami slideshow Origami Flowers for Cards.

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Visual Instructions for Origami Paper Flowers